Infrastructure AWS as Terraform

Official Product:





Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a powerful approach to managing and provisioning computing resources through machine-readable configuration files rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools. Terraform, an open-source IaC tool developed by HashiCorp, enables developers to define and provision infrastructure in a consistent, repeatable, and automated manner. For this Music Serverless Application project, Terraform will be used to manage the entire AWS infrastructure, ensuring seamless deployment, scaling, and maintenance.

Key Features of Terraform:

  • Declarative Configuration: Terraform uses a high-level configuration language (HCL) that allows users to define what the infrastructure should look like rather than how to build it.
  • Infrastructure Planning: Terraform generates an execution plan, showing what actions will be taken to reach the desired state, providing a clear and transparent workflow.
  • Dependency Management: Terraform automatically handles dependencies between resources, ensuring they are created, updated, and destroyed in the correct order.
  • State Management: Terraform maintains a state file to keep track of the current infrastructure, enabling accurate and efficient updates.
  • Modularization: Terraform supports the use of modules, reusable components that simplify complex configurations and promote best practices.
  • Necessary Resources:

To set up the AWS infrastructure for the Music Serverless Application, the following resources will be defined and managed using Terraform:

Compute Resources:

  • Amazon Fargate: For deploying and running containerized backend services without managing servers.


  • Amazon Aurora MySQL: A highly available and scalable database solution for storing application data.


  • Amazon ElastiCache (Redis): For improving application performance through caching.


  • VPC (Virtual Private Cloud): For creating a secure and isolated network for the application.

  • Subnets: For organizing and segregating resources within the VPC.

  • Internet Gateway: For enabling internet access to the application.

Load Balancing and Auto Scaling:

  • Application Load Balancer (ALB): For distributing incoming traffic across multiple targets.

  • Auto Scaling Group: For automatically scaling the number of instances based on demand.


  • Security Groups: For controlling inbound and outbound traffic to resources.

  • IAM Roles and Policies: For managing permissions and access control.

Development Process:

Setup Terraform:

  • Install Terraform on the local development environment.

  • Configure AWS credentials and region settings.

Define Resources:

  • Create Terraform configuration files (.tf files) to define all required AWS resources.

  • Specify resource attributes and dependencies.

Initialize Terraform:

  • Run terraform init to initialize the Terraform working directory and download provider plugins.

Plan and Apply:

  • Execute terraform plan to generate and review the execution plan, ensuring the desired changes are correct.

  • Apply the configuration using terraform apply, provisioning the specified resources in AWS.

Manage State:

  • Use a remote backend (e.g., AWS S3) to store the Terraform state file, enabling collaboration and state management across teams.


  • Break down the configuration into reusable modules for better organization and maintainability.

  • Use module inputs and outputs to parameterize configurations and enable reusability.

Output and Variables:

  • Define variables to parameterize configurations, making them flexible and reusable.
  • Use output values to extract and share information about the resources created.

Version Control:

Store Terraform configurations in a version control system (e.g., Git) to track changes and collaborate with team members.