Development of the Front System

Official Product:


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In this challenge, the frontend system of the Music Serverless Application is designed to provide a dynamic and engaging user interface for streaming and managing music. The frontend is built using ReactJS, leveraging a rich set of libraries and tools to create a seamless and responsive experience for users.

Project Overview:

The project, named “spotify”, is a web-based application that allows users to browse, stream, and manage their music collections. It interacts with the backend through RESTful APIs to fetch and display data, manage user sessions, and handle various user interactions. The application emphasizes ease of use, performance, and modern design principles.


The package.json file contains all the dependencies required for the development and operation of the frontend. Here are some key dependencies and their roles:

Core Libraries:

react: Core library for building the user interface.

react-dom: For rendering React components in the DOM.

react-router-dom: For handling routing and navigation within the application.

State Management:

@reduxjs/toolkit: For managing the application’s global state.

react-redux: To connect React components with the Redux store.

redux-saga: For handling side effects in the Redux store.

UI Components and Styling:

@material-ui/core, @material-ui/icons, @material-ui/lab: Material-UI libraries for building a responsive and visually appealing user interface.

react-responsive-carousel: For creating responsive carousels for displaying music albums or playlists. swiper: For creating modern touch sliders.

Form Handling:

react-hook-form: For handling form validation and submission. @hookform/error-message: For displaying error messages in forms. react-datepicker: For adding date picker components.

HTTP Requests:

axios: For making HTTP requests to the backend API.


@testing-library/react: For testing React components.

@testing-library/jest-dom: For extending Jest with custom matchers.

@testing-library/user-event: For simulating user interactions in tests. Utilities:

moment: For date and time manipulation.

notistack: For displaying notifications.

audio-converter: For handling audio conversions.

jquery: A fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. prop-types: For type-checking props in React components.

Development Process:

Project Setup:

  • Initialize a new React project using create-react-app.

  • Set up version control with Git and create a repository.

  • Install the required dependencies listed in the package.json file.

Component Development:

Design and implement reusable React components for various parts of the application, such as the header, footer, music player, and playlists. Use Material-UI components to ensure a consistent and modern look and feel.

State Management:

  • Set up Redux for managing the global state of the application.

  • Implement Redux slices using @reduxjs/toolkit to handle different aspects of the state, such as user data, music collections, and playback status.

  • Use Redux Saga for handling asynchronous operations like API calls.


  • Configure react-router-dom to manage navigation between different pages, such as the home page, search results, and user profile. Forms and Validation:

  • Use react-hook-form for managing form states and validations.

  • Implement form components for user login, registration, and music search.

API Integration:

  • Use axios to make HTTP requests to the backend API for fetching and submitting data.

  • Handle API responses and update the application state accordingly.

User Experience Enhancements:

  • Implement responsive design using Material-UI and react-responsive-carousel.
  • Use notistack for displaying user-friendly notifications and alerts.


  • Write unit tests for individual components using @testing-library/react.
  • Implement integration tests to ensure the correct interaction between components.

Building and Deployment:

  • Use react-scripts to build the application for production.
  • Deploy the built application to a suitable hosting platform, such as AWS S3 and CloudFront for static site hosting.

Achieved Results:

Dynamic and Responsive UI:

A fully functional and visually appealing user interface developed using ReactJS and Material-UI. Responsive design ensuring a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes. Efficient State Management:

Robust state management using Redux and Redux Saga, ensuring efficient handling of application state and side effects. Seamless API Integration:

Smooth interaction with the backend through well-structured API calls using Axios. Real-time data fetching and updates for a responsive user experience. Enhanced User Experience:

Modern UI components and responsive design providing an intuitive and engaging user experience. Effective form handling and validation ensuring smooth user interactions. Comprehensive Testing:

Thorough testing ensuring the reliability and correctness of the application. Detailed documentation and well-organized codebase for easy maintenance and scalability. By completing this frontend development, you will have a polished and user-friendly interface for the Music Serverless Application, capable of handling real-world usage and delivering a high-quality user experience.