Testing Application

Next, we need testing APIs have been deploy at previous step, before to testing we need follow these steps:

1. Add Host to DNS Resolution

The purpose this step for you haven’t real domain, you can fake domain by add some config in Helm Values at step Config project HelmValues like config below:

enabled: true
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: public
- host: eks.bootcamp.net
  - path: /
  pathType: Prefix

Next, we need go to Application Load Balancer at Amazon Console => EC2 => Load balancers to get DNS of load balancer.

SSH Successfully to Bastion Host

Next, let’s copy that and use command below to get IP Address of load balancer:

ping {your_loadBalancer_dns}

SSH Successfully to Bastion Host

Next, let’s copy IP Address to add in file host to dns resolution

SSH Successfully to Bastion Host SSH Successfully to Bastion Host

After done, let using this domain to testing APIs.

2. Testing

2.1 Testing API Create Product

SSH Successfully to Bastion Host After created, let’s check log on service are running, we can see insert command have been executed. SSH Successfully to Bastion Host

2.2 Testing API Upload Image

The image will upload on s3 budget SSH Successfully to Bastion Host SSH Successfully to Bastion Host

2.3 Testing API load all products

SSH Successfully to Bastion Host

2.4 Testing API Create Order

  1. To create order, we need create customer first SSH Successfully to Bastion Host
  2. Create order with request below SSH Successfully to Bastion Host Order created will send to SQS queue SSH Successfully to Bastion Host Next, we need to run API to consume message from SQS, it will receive message from SQS queue and insert order to database SSH Successfully to Bastion Host SSH Successfully to Bastion Host

2.5 Testing API fetch list order

SSH Successfully to Bastion Host SQL generate by Hibernate to query order from database: SSH Successfully to Bastion Host