CI/CD Integration with CodeBuild: Auto-Deploy Lambda Function

Create CodeBuild Project

Next step, we need to create a CodeBuild Project to integrate with github webhook to auto deploy lambda functions when a new commit is detected.

  1. Go to CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function

  2. Click Create project CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function

  3. Fill your Project configuration, Source

  4. Choose source: S3/GitHub, at here we choose GitHub CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function

  5. At Environment, we select lambda to build image

  6. Choose Operating system: Amazon Lunix

  7. Choose Runtime(s): Java 11

  8. Choose Image: aws/codebuild/amazonlinux-aarch64-lambda-standard:corretto11 CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function

  9. On Buildspec we select Insert build commands and choose Switch to editor CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function

  10. It see like this, now we need config pipeline using code below to build successfully project

    version: 0.2
        java: corretto11
        maven: 3.9.6
        # commands:
        #   - export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:bin/java::")
        #   - export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
        - ls
        - cd note-app-serverless/aws-serverless-note-app
        - ls -lrt
        - mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
        - ls
        # Upload JAR file to S3
        - aws s3 cp target/aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar s3://cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1/aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
        - aws lambda update-function-code --function-name LambdaAddDataFunction --s3-bucket cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1 --s3-key aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
        - aws lambda update-function-code --function-name LambdaDeleteNote --s3-bucket cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1 --s3-key aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
        - aws lambda update-function-code --function-name LambdaFetchDataFunction --s3-bucket cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1 --s3-key aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
        - echo 'Successfully Build new version'

aws s3 cp target/aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar s3://cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1/aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Explain: This command have meaning is coppy .jar file to S3 bucket

  • target/aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar is output file, after run mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
  • s3://cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1/aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar is s3 bucket url, you save file on s3

aws lambda update-function-code –function-name LambdaDeleteNote –s3-bucket cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1 –s3-key aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Explain: This command have meaning is update source for lambda funtion LambdaDeleteNote from jar file, you have puted in s3

Create Pipeline

CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create pipeline

We have complete 4 steps:

  • Step 1 :Choose pipeline settings CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function
  • Step 2: Add source CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function
  • Step 3: Add build CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function
  • Step 4:Add deploy CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function
  • Step 5: Review and Create

Now, almost set up done, we will test by publish new commit change and pipeline auto execution


Now, inspect source code and make any change to test pipeline work correctly.

    luongtx@daotq1:~/Workspace/GITHUB/aws-handson$ git status
    On branch main
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
            modified:   note-app-serverless/aws-resource/code-deploy/pipeline.yaml

    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
    luongtx@daotq1:~/Workspace/GITHUB/aws-handson$ git add .
    luongtx@daotq1:~/Workspace/GITHUB/aws-handson$ git commit -m "test: pipeline auto build"
    [main ac6d839] test: pipeline auto build
    1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
    luongtx@daotq1:~/Workspace/GITHUB/aws-handson$ git push 
    Enumerating objects: 11, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
    Delta compression using up to 12 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 553 bytes | 184.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 6 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
    2bfe657..ac6d839  main -> main

CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function CICD Integration with CodeBuild Auto Deploy Lambda Function

Open your CodeBuild Project and Click to detail and view the build console.

If you received response below, pipeline already build completed and lambda function have been update.

[Container] 2024/03/05 04:33:08.400929 Running command aws lambda update-function-code --function-name LambdaAddDataFunction --s3-bucket cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1 --s3-key aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    "FunctionName": "LambdaAddDataFunction",
    "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:846338211683:function:LambdaAddDataFunction",
    "Runtime": "java11",
    "Role": "arn:aws:iam::846338211683:role/LambdaFunctionRole",
    "Handler": "org.example.awsserverlessnoteapp.LambdaAddDataFunction::handleRequest",
    "CodeSize": 18081570,
    "Description": "",
    "Timeout": 15,
    "MemorySize": 512,
    "LastModified": "2024-03-05T04:33:10.000+0000",
    "CodeSha256": "54cOLGA6bBmBfrbZkb6trotsuPRfB1fAhwGikbmJyxs=",
    "Version": "$LATEST",
    "VpcConfig": {
        "SubnetIds": [
        "SecurityGroupIds": [
        "VpcId": "vpc-0bdac14c978619a96",
        "Ipv6AllowedForDualStack": false
    "Environment": {
        "Variables": {
            "AWS_REGION_VALUE": "us-east-1",
            "AWS_DYNAMO_TABLE_NAME_VALUE": "note_tbl"
    "TracingConfig": {
        "Mode": "PassThrough"
    "RevisionId": "2a239e66-937d-405e-974c-549767398c1f",
    "State": "Active",
    "LastUpdateStatus": "InProgress",
    "LastUpdateStatusReason": "The function is being created.",
    "LastUpdateStatusReasonCode": "Creating",
    "PackageType": "Zip",
    "Architectures": [
    "EphemeralStorage": {
        "Size": 512
    "SnapStart": {
        "ApplyOn": "None",
        "OptimizationStatus": "Off"
    "RuntimeVersionConfig": {
        "RuntimeVersionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1::runtime:5376f7691b03f8ade18032dc3906c8e0e7a4101c665b17c8766b6949687df24f"

[Container] 2024/03/05 04:33:10.259486 Running command aws lambda update-function-code --function-name LambdaDeleteNote --s3-bucket cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1 --s3-key aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    "FunctionName": "LambdaDeleteNote",
    "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:846338211683:function:LambdaDeleteNote",
    "Runtime": "java11",
    "Role": "arn:aws:iam::846338211683:role/service-role/LambdaDeleteNote-role-fa4amiiz",
    "Handler": "org.example.awsserverlessnoteapp.LambdaDeleteDataFunction::handleRequest",
    "CodeSize": 18081570,
    "Description": "",
    "Timeout": 15,
    "MemorySize": 512,
    "LastModified": "2024-03-05T04:33:11.000+0000",
    "CodeSha256": "54cOLGA6bBmBfrbZkb6trotsuPRfB1fAhwGikbmJyxs=",
    "Version": "$LATEST",
    "VpcConfig": {
        "SubnetIds": [
        "SecurityGroupIds": [
        "VpcId": "vpc-0bdac14c978619a96",
        "Ipv6AllowedForDualStack": false
    "Environment": {
        "Variables": {
            "AWS_REGION_VALUE": "us-east-1",
            "AWS_DYNAMO_TABLE_NAME_VALUE": "note_tbl"
    "TracingConfig": {
        "Mode": "PassThrough"
    "RevisionId": "d1559a95-7b4d-4c7c-a8d3-3b95ead46cae",
    "State": "Active",
    "LastUpdateStatus": "InProgress",
    "LastUpdateStatusReason": "The function is being created.",
    "LastUpdateStatusReasonCode": "Creating",
    "PackageType": "Zip",
    "Architectures": [
    "EphemeralStorage": {
        "Size": 512
    "SnapStart": {
        "ApplyOn": "None",
        "OptimizationStatus": "Off"
    "RuntimeVersionConfig": {
        "RuntimeVersionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1::runtime:4953353514423cc08453f25c28e74edd762626ff6bf2abe0c78c5a0e5be8547a"

[Container] 2024/03/05 04:33:11.791342 Running command aws lambda update-function-code --function-name LambdaFetchDataFunction --s3-bucket cf-templates-1ohbdpx0bstp8-us-east-1 --s3-key aws-serverless-note-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    "FunctionName": "LambdaFetchDataFunction",
    "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:846338211683:function:LambdaFetchDataFunction",
    "Runtime": "java11",
    "Role": "arn:aws:iam::846338211683:role/LambdaFunctionRole",
    "Handler": "org.example.awsserverlessnoteapp.LambdaFetchDataFunction::handleRequest",
    "CodeSize": 18081570,
    "Description": "",
    "Timeout": 15,
    "MemorySize": 512,
    "LastModified": "2024-03-05T04:33:13.000+0000",
    "CodeSha256": "54cOLGA6bBmBfrbZkb6trotsuPRfB1fAhwGikbmJyxs=",
    "Version": "$LATEST",
    "VpcConfig": {
        "SubnetIds": [
        "SecurityGroupIds": [
        "VpcId": "vpc-0bdac14c978619a96",
        "Ipv6AllowedForDualStack": false
    "Environment": {
        "Variables": {
            "AWS_REGION_VALUE": "us-east-1",
            "AWS_DYNAMO_TABLE_NAME_VALUE": "note_tbl"
    "TracingConfig": {
        "Mode": "PassThrough"
    "RevisionId": "9254245f-4d87-42ef-a500-751bee1325b0",
    "State": "Active",
    "LastUpdateStatus": "InProgress",
    "LastUpdateStatusReason": "The function is being created.",
    "LastUpdateStatusReasonCode": "Creating",
    "PackageType": "Zip",
    "Architectures": [
    "EphemeralStorage": {
        "Size": 512
    "SnapStart": {
        "ApplyOn": "None",
        "OptimizationStatus": "Off"
    "RuntimeVersionConfig": {
        "RuntimeVersionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1::runtime:4953353514423cc08453f25c28e74edd762626ff6bf2abe0c78c5a0e5be8547a"